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A full Animating Kids! subscription contains 140+ follow-along, step-by-step videos with pre-planned worksheets for all ages!

Animating Kids! can be used for short term projects or be expanded into an animation film school experience for a whole year.

For a break-down of all our lessons, checkout our overview page and our about page.

I absolutely love Animating Kids. Do you have any idea how amazing it was when I could cover a grade span of K-9 with one curriculum? My planning was basically done for me and the kids loved it. Win, win!!
— Jen Tuttle - Media Specialist Nampa Idaho

But Wait…There’s More!

One Time Offer!

Our new eBook, A Taste of Animation, has just been released!

Culled from the massive Animating Kids! secret recipe library, no subscription necessary.


A Taste of Animation is usually priced at $29 on our main website.

For our first-time subscribers, it’s only $17.

Expires when you leave this page

I was able to workshop the Taste of Animation same day with our media students.
A great introduction to what’s possible with a little theory and guided step-by-step lessons.
A Taste of Animation is a great start!
— Bill K. NYC - Media Specialist

Thank you again for joining our tribe!